Submersible Pump Manufacturers in Ohio

Company: Gorman-Rupp Pumps
Busines type: Manufacturer
Adress: 600 S. Airport Rd. Mansfield, OH 44901-1217
Telephone: (419) 755-1011
Fax: –
Products: Electrical Submersible Pumps: Centrifugal, Vortex Impeller Pumps, Portable Submersible Pumps
Applications: Open pits and quarries, drilled wells and narrow openings, and solids-handling models for slurries and debris-laden models. Trash handling submersible pumps for a number of sewage and industrial applications

Company: Corrosion Fluid Products Corp
Busines type: Distributor
Adress 1: 9241 Akcan Circle, NW North Canton, OH 44720
Telephone: (330) 497-2800 Fax: (330) 497-1559
Adress 2: 25641 Fort Meigs Rd., Suite D Perrysburg, OH 43551
Telephone: (419) 873-1900 Fax: (419) 873-1922
Products: Submersible Pumps: Slurry Pumps, Wastewater and Sewage Pumps, Mixed Flow Column Pumps, Grinder Pumps, Solids Handling Pumps
Brands: Eliminator, Stancor, ABS Pumps (SULZER), Mody, Flowserve, OTS Pumps

Company: Versa-Matic
Busines type: Manufacturer
Adress: 800 North Main St., Mansfield, OH 44902
Telephone: (419) 526-7296
Fax: (419) 526-7289
Products: Air-Operated and 12V DC Submersible Centrifugal Pump
Applications: Dewatering above and below ground, emergency dewatering and utility applications