Submersible Pumps

Company: Cat Pumps
Busines type: Manufacturer
Adress: 1681 94th Lane NE, Minneapolis, MN 55449
Phone: (763) 780-5440
Fax: (763) 780-2958
Products: Submersible Stainless Steel Centrifugal Pumps
Applications: Drainage of excavated areas, Car wash drainage pits, Water from basements, Pool draining, Septic tank draining, Transfer of waste water or effluent solutions to sewage, Emptying vessels and above or underground storage tanks, Marine bilge pumping, Farm irrigation, Waste water treatment systems, Circulating liquids throughout plants, Pharmaceutical products, Ag chemicals

Busines type: Manufacturer
Adress: 16261 SE 130th AVE, Clackamas, OR 97015
Phone: (503) 653-0330
Fax: (503) 653-0338
Products: Submersible Pumps
Applications: Sewage lift stations, Wastewater treatment, Storm water reclamation

Company: Franklin Electric Co.
Busines type: Manufacturer
Adress: 9255 Coverdale Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46809
Phone: (260) 824-2900
Fax: (260) 824-2909
Products: 4-Inch High Capacity Submersible Pumps, 6-Inch Submersible Radial Pumps, 5, 6, 8-Inch Submersible Turbine Pumps
Applications: Farm, Home, Irrigation, Industry, Municipal and Commercial applications

Company: Red Lion (Franklin Electric Co.)
Busines type: Manufacturer
Adress: 301 N MacArthur Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73127-6616
Phone: (844) 250-4981
Fax: –
Products: Submersible Well Pumps,Submersible Sump Pumps, Submersible Utility Pumps
Applications: Residential, Light Commercial, Agricultural, Construction